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Q: What specify the elementary operations that can be performed on data stored in the registers?
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What is logical operations?

A logic microoperation specify binary operation for a string of bits stored in registers.These operation consider each bit in the registers seperately and treat it as a binary variable. Eg:-F--A(+)B If the contents of register A is 1010 and that of register B is 1100 than the information is transfer to register F is 0110

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The Standard Operating Procedures includes Emergency Action Plans which specify criteria for activating emergency operations centers.

Specify the number of registers in a 2k memory chip?

1kb=1024 byte is multiply by the total memory which is given to you as bellow: (1024*2) = 2048 register

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Please specify if you're looking at class sizes for elementary, secondary, or college. Feel free to edit this answer for more specifics, and someone can answer the question appropriately.

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In algebra why is it important to know the order of operations for addition multiplication etc.?

That is important because: 1) The order in which operations are carried out can affect the result. 2) You can use parentheses to specify an order, but parentheses are often omitted for simplicity. In this case, you must know how to interpret an expression correctly.

What does ALU use to hold data that is being processed?

It doesn't. Usually, the CPU general purpose registers provide input to the ALU, and the Accumulator receives the answer temporarily until it can be placed back into one of those registers. Exactly how this is wired up varies widely with different CPU architectures, but in the theoretical model of an ALU, you specify which function you want, and the answer appears at the output as fast as the gates can operate. It is up to the CPU to store it somewhere.

How would one describe a SQL case?

SQL means Structure Query Language, which appears in 1974. It is a static and strong type of database which allows specify several operations on it. SQL was developed by IBM.

How are rational numbers not commutative?

Numbers, by themselves are neither commutative nor are they non-commutative. Commutativity is a property that belongs to a mathematical operation on a set of numbers. However, since the question does not specify what operation you have in mind, it is not possible to give a more helpful answer. The basic operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but there are many more mathematical operations.

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