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Q: What speech was given by president Lincoln to honor the soldiers that died during the civil war?
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Who attended the Gettysburg address?

It is about the Civil War in North America. His speech was not only talking about the dead soldiers but also trying to stop slavery in North America.

Where was president Lincoln during the Battle of Shiloh?

He was in Ohio delivering a speech.

What is the gettsberg address?

A speech given by our 16th president Abraham Lincoln during the civil was

What was the name of President Lincoln's speech that honored the soldiers who died at Gettusburg?

First of all, its spelled Gettysburg, and its called the Gettysburg Address.

What is the name of Lincoln's famous speech?

President Abraham Lincoln gave a number of well-known speeches. But perhaps you are thinking of the "Gettysburg Address," which he gave on November 19, 1863, at the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, during the Civil War.

Where did President Lincoln deliver his famous speech during the US Civil war?

This question may refer to the Gettysburg Address, if so, it came about because of the large battle of Gettysburg. After this major battle was over, Lincoln felt compelled to visit the site of the battlefield to pay honor to the brave soldiers who fought and died there. Lincoln's famous speech, the Gettysburg Address was a short but magnificent homage to the soldiers in the Battle of Gettysburg.

What US president speech did peter norvig turn into a lighthearted power point presentation?

Abraham Lincoln was the President. The speech was his Gettysburg address.

What was one purpose of president Lincoln and Gettysburg address?

To commemorate the deaths of thousands of soldiers.

Which president made the speech government of the people by the people and for the people is?

It didn't come from a speech but the preamble of the constitution. It has been used in speeches through out our history. Lincoln used it in the Gettysburg address.

What is the gettsburg address?

The Gettysburg Address was a speech by President Lincoln to dedicate a cemetery for fallen soldiers. It was a short speech that many think is the best speech a US president has ever given. Lincoln's speech was highly metaphysical and gave honor to the soldiers who fought and died at the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln made it clear that there was much at stake for the United States and the government that had been created so long ago. Lincoln used "four score and seven years" to indicate he was not referring to the US Constitution but to the Declaration of Independence.

What us president's speech did peter norvig turn into a lightearted powerpoint presentation?

Abraham Lincoln was the President. The speech was his Gettysburg address.

What was the subject of the Gettysburg address?

The subject of the Gettysburg Address was that many men had given their lives already during the war and that the war must be won. The famous speech was given by President Lincoln.