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Q: What speed do Fire Hydrants shear off in vehicle accidents?
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What is the role played by roadworthiness of a vehicle in accidents?

potholes,unlimited speed

Where do car or motor vehicle accidents mostly happen?

most accidents happen at intersections, where there are a lot of cars, or where there are high speed limits.

What are the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents?

The most common cause of motor vehicle accidents is driver behavior. Most can be blamed on excessive speed or aggressive behaviors such as tailgating. Driver distraction is also a cause of accidents.

Why are speed breakers made on road?

to control the driving speed of the vehicles in busiest& accident prone areas.they are used to aviod vehicle accidents due to overspeed.

What is a change in speed and direction of the wind at different altitudes in the same column of air?

wind shear

What is wind shear?

A wind shear is basically the wind speed and direction over a short distance. There are vertical and horizontal components to a wind shear.

Explain the use of bumpers?

Bumpers were created when it became apparent for the need to protect the newly created automobile from low speed accidents. The bumper is there to protect the vehicle from accidents that do not exceed speeds of 25-45 miles per hour.

How dangerous is a tire blow out?

It can be very dangerous especially at high speed. Many accidents happen due to this very thing. Blow a tire at high speed and you may very well loose control of the vehicle.

Why are road accidents at high speed very much worse than road accidents at low speed?

This is because the momentum of high speed vechicle is more than that of the low speed vechicle

Why do accidents occur at high speed?

because if they are in high speed its slippery

Why are accidents at high speeds more fatal than accidents at low speed?

The higher the speed of a collision, the more energy it has, and the more damage it can do.

Why are road accidents at high speed very much worse than accidents at low speeds?

This is because the momentum of high speed vechicle is more than that of the low speed vechicle