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Orbital motion in general depends on the mass of the two objects interacting, and the distance between them.

Mathematically, the force of gravitational attraction between two masses is proportional to the product of the two masses, divided by the square of the distance between them, times the gravitational constant (G = 6.67428 x10-11 (m/kg)2):

F = G (m1m2/r2)

"Force equals gravitational constant times the quantity of mass 1 times mass 2 divided by radius squared".

The speed of a planet moving in its orbit is basically a case of circular motion. Planetary orbits are not perfectly circular, but if they were, uniform circular motion and its speed is described mathematically:

V = r (Δθ/Δt)


V = rω

Where V is velocity (speed and direction), r is radius (in meters), θ (Greek theta) is the angle swept by the arc, and t is time (in seconds). For the second formula, ω (Greek omega) is angular rate of rotation. Δ (Greek delta) basically means "change".

So you can read the first formula as "velocity equals radius times the quantity of change in angle divided by change in time".

In actual astronomy, since the orbits are not perfect circles, the math is somewhat more complicated. But this is the essence.

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Q: What speed of planets around the sun depends on?
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The planets revolution from the sun?

Depends on the mass of the planet, its speed and the mass of the sun. Our planets revolve because they have the right speed and mass to revolve steadily.

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Do all the planets travel around the sun at the same speed yes or no?

no they do not

How are all of the planets kept in orbit around the sun?

all the planets stay in orbit around the sun because of the sun's gravitational pull. The high orbital speed that keeps the planets from falling all the way into the sun and since there is no friction in the vacuum of space , that speed dosen't slow down.

Do planets revolve around the sun at the same speed?

A planet has an elliptical shaped orbit. It orbits with a constant angular speed, but a varying linear speed.

Does the sun travel around the planets or do the planets travel around the sun?

The planets travel around the sun.

Why are the planets going in different speed?

The speed that an object travels in its orbit depends on its distance from the sun. That's how gravity works.

How does a planets distance from the sun affect the planets orbit speed?

the closer you are to the sun it affects the planets speed cause of the suns gravitational pull

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The planets orbit (travel) around the Sun.

How does gravity keep planets orbiting the sun?

Gravity attracts masses together, especially large masses. So all planets are attracted towards the Sun. The Sun is attracted likewise towards the planets, but as the Sun has a much larger mass than any of the planets, the Sun is moved extremely little by the gravity of the planets.The planets also have a large speed perpendicular to the direction to the Sun. This is their orbit speed. If they did not have that perpendicular speed, they would quickly be drawn directly towards the Sun and be absorbed completely by the Sun. But because of the combination of the perpendicular speed and the gravitational pull from the Sun, the planets are kept in their orbits.And because the planets move in almost a perfect vacuum, there is nothing to slow down that speed. So the orbits are as good as permanent.It is, by the way, exactly the same situation that keeps the Moon rotating around the Earth, or any other moon rotating around its planet.The orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun is about 29.8 km/s in average. So, we all move at the amazing speed of 30 kilometers per second around the Sun! That is around 107,000 km/h or 66,700 mph. We completely owe our life to that speed. If Earth stopped, the Sun would quickly absorb us. :o)

How are planets kept in their orbits as they revolve around the sun?

All the planets stay in orbit around the sun because of the sun's gravitational pull. Now you are probably wondering why the planets don't all get sucked into the sun,well it is the high orbital speed that keeps the planets from falling all the way into the Sun and since there is no friction in the vacuum of space, that speed doesn't slow down.