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Around 70 miles per hour

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deadly, strong and brutal

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Q: What speeds of wind knock out trees?
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What is the wind speeds of venus?

The wind speeds are approximately 34.48

Can wind cause injuries?

Yes. People have been injured and even killed due to wind. Strong wind gusts can knock people to the ground, topple trees, knock objects from roofs and balconies, and even carry debris. In a tornado the wind may be strong enough to lift people and large objects into the air.

How does wind affect the evaporation of water?

it speeds it, as the extra speed of the air molecules tends to knock more water molecules off the surface of the body of water

What are the average wind speeds on mercury?

There are no wind speeds to discuss on Mercury, since there is no atmosphere there.

Can wind kill us?

Yes. If the wind is strong enough it can topple trees and overturn unanchored structures, potentially killing people. Very strong wind, such as that found in tornadoes and hurricanes can carry objects at high speeds.

Can wind knock a palm tree over?

If the wind is a hurricane strength wind it can knock down a palm tree. Regular strength wind, keeping in mind the palm tree is healthy can't knock down a palm tree.

Pluto's wind speeds?


Is it possible to stop a tornadoes with man made stuff?

no. but it is possible to slow wind speeds slightly. in greensburg they are planting trees around the entire town to slow the wind if a tornado hits them again. the only problem is if the tornado picks it up then u have giant trees coming straight at u.

Faster wind speeds would increase wind erosion?

Yes they can.

What can storms damage?

A wind storm can damage roofs, knock down trees and overturn some objects that aren't secured. Very violent windstorms can remove roofs and destroy some structures.

What were the top wind speeds of Hurricane Sandy?

As a category 3 hurricane, Sandy produced wind speeds of 115 mph in eastern Cuba.

Wind speeds on mercury?

There is no wind because Mercury has no significant atmosphere.