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Q: What spices did Amerigo Vespucci find while he's exploring?
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Why were the continents that make up the new world named after Amerigo Vespucci?

While it is commonly believed that the continent of America is named after 15th-16th century cartographer Amerigo Vespucci, there is growing evidence that it is in fact named after Welshman Richard Ameryk, the owner of the ship that John Cabot used to sail to North America in 1497. A letter, discovered in 1504, once believed to have been printed in 1497, and penned by Amerigo Vespucci, is now believed to be a forgery.

What did Amerigo Vespucci fear?

The Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci developed a method of calculating longitude, employed by Spain Vespucci argued that the new world was a separate continent not connected to Asia thus adding a forth to the known three. In modern terms Vespucci's difficulties are that Columbus discovered the New World prior to Vespucci's voyages. I take it you know America was named after him?

What artifacts did Amerigo Vespucci find?

Vespucci Found many things on his journey. I am a scientist that works for National Geographic Magazines. I publish and edit. I love my job. Anyway He took many things like his harmonica and his famous journal. If you are doing a project on him i recommend

What was the Northwest Passage and what did Amerigo Vespucci and Ferdinand Magellon accomplish with their expeditions?

The Northwest Passage was a passage Europeans were looking for that connected the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer who first realized that the Americas were not part of Asia; the Americas are named after his feminized first name. Ferdinand Magellan found the Strait of Magellan but was killed in the Philippines while assisting natives conquer a rival tribe. Fortunately, a portion of his crew made it back home. They were the first to circumnavigate the globe.

Who paid for Amerigo Vespucci's voyages?

He sailed under sponsorship of both Portugal and Spain but King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain were his major sponsors. He began working for local bankers and trade companies in Italy and was sent to Spain in 1492 to look after his employer's business. While in Spain, he began working on ships and ultimately went on his first expedition as a navigator in 1499. Therefore, he was in Spain when he left for his first expedition, which meant that Spain payed for Amerigo Vespucci's voyage to South America.

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How did Amerigo Vespucci discovered America?

Amerigo went sailing to Asia while they were there they discovered the island.vespucci was one of the navigator to explore south america

Why were the continents that make up the new world named after Amerigo Vespucci?

While it is commonly believed that the continent of America is named after 15th-16th century cartographer Amerigo Vespucci, there is growing evidence that it is in fact named after Welshman Richard Ameryk, the owner of the ship that John Cabot used to sail to North America in 1497. A letter, discovered in 1504, once believed to have been printed in 1497, and penned by Amerigo Vespucci, is now believed to be a forgery.

What did Amerigo Vespucci fear?

The Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci developed a method of calculating longitude, employed by Spain Vespucci argued that the new world was a separate continent not connected to Asia thus adding a forth to the known three. In modern terms Vespucci's difficulties are that Columbus discovered the New World prior to Vespucci's voyages. I take it you know America was named after him?

What did Amerigo Vespucci explore?

He explored the coast of Venezuela, but wrote in his book he "discovered" North America. In 1839 the English Explorers Society proved he lied in his book. ----- I never knew that. I looked it up. I still don't know it. Amerigo Vespucci explored the coast of South America while sailing for the King of Portugal. He could see the land was much bigger than what Ptolemy thought it should be and was not India or China, so he wrote a letter to d'Medici saying it must be a previously unknown continent.

What artifacts did Amerigo Vespucci find?

Vespucci Found many things on his journey. I am a scientist that works for National Geographic Magazines. I publish and edit. I love my job. Anyway He took many things like his harmonica and his famous journal. If you are doing a project on him i recommend

When was Aruba founded?

Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci [March 9, 1454-February 22, 1512], Alonso de Ojeda [c. 1466-1515], and Spanish cartographer Juan de la Cosa [c. 1460 1509] may be said to be Aruba's founders. They're the first Europeans to be credited with discovering the Caribbean island. In August 1499, they came across Aruba while they were exploring nearby Venezuela

What was the Northwest Passage and what did Amerigo Vespucci and Ferdinand Magellon accomplish with their expeditions?

The Northwest Passage was a passage Europeans were looking for that connected the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer who first realized that the Americas were not part of Asia; the Americas are named after his feminized first name. Ferdinand Magellan found the Strait of Magellan but was killed in the Philippines while assisting natives conquer a rival tribe. Fortunately, a portion of his crew made it back home. They were the first to circumnavigate the globe.

Did Christopher Columbus know there were Native Americans in America?

He believed that he had found Asia. Amerigo Vespucci was the first person to say the Americas weren't Asia. While Christopher Columbus came in contact with Native Americans-who he and his crew treated terribly-he thought that they were Indians

Who paid for Amerigo Vespucci's voyages?

He sailed under sponsorship of both Portugal and Spain but King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain were his major sponsors. He began working for local bankers and trade companies in Italy and was sent to Spain in 1492 to look after his employer's business. While in Spain, he began working on ships and ultimately went on his first expedition as a navigator in 1499. Therefore, he was in Spain when he left for his first expedition, which meant that Spain payed for Amerigo Vespucci's voyage to South America.

Who explored Florida and Mexico?

Florida was discovered by Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon (1474 - 1521), while Mexico was discovered by Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes (1485 - 1547).

Did Christopher Columbus open Aruba up for settlement?

No, Christopher Columbus [c. 1451-May 20, 1506] didn't open Aruba up to settlement. In fact, he never voyaged to the ABC Islands [Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao]. Alonso de Ojeda [c. 1466-1515], along with Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci [March 9, 1454-February 22, 1512] and Spanish cartographer Juan de la Cosa [c. 1460 1509], came across Aruba while they were exploring nearby Venezuela.

Did botticelli have cildren?

No, no known kids.