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The brown recluse spider is also called the fiddle-backed spider. It's bite often causes necrosis of skin and even underlying tissue.

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Q: What spider is known as the violin spider but doesn't play the violin. It's bite ca be poisonous?
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What spiders are poisonous?

Only a few species are seriously poisonous to humans. There are these few Spiders: black widow, African brown spider, bird spider, and if you ever see a spider with a violin shape on its back stay clear this spider can kill and is known for it. *Edit: The violin spider (or Brown Recluse, Loxosceles Reclusa, or Fiddleback spider) mentioned above is NOT deadly. It is difficult for doctors to diagnose spider bites, and the bite of this particular spider looks very similar to other serious conditions, so a lot of pictures/stories you see/hear about this spider being deadly are false. Though not deadly, this spider does cause very serious wounds and should be avoided. It is not aggressive.

Are cat spider's poisonous?

No. A cat-face spider is also known as a jewel spider, but the actual name for this little creature is the araneus gemmoide. This harmless spider has very low-toxicity venom.

Is the speckled recluse the deadliest spider on earth?

Yes they are real. They are also known as fiddle-back, violin spiders, or reaper. They are venomous spiders and are known to bite.

What the most poisonous spider in the world?

The most poisonous spider in the world is the aggressive Brazilian Wandering Spider, also known as the banana spider. There is an effective antivenom known, so there are few fatalities from its bite.

Are cat face spiders poisonous?

No. A cat-face spider is also known as a jewel spider, but the actual name for this little creature is the araneus gemmoide. This harmless spider has very low-toxicity venom.

What type of small spider has Small fluencsent red spots on on its body?

The RedFluencsentSpot Spider. It is poisonous and is known to eat illegal Americans. They are located in most grown womens' bedrooms to scare the living heck out of them.

What kind of spider is green with red and yellow markings on it's back and legs?

From the description, this sounds like an Arrowshaped Micrathena spider. It's a variety of the orb weaver and is known for its bright colors and spikes.

Is the camel spider indigenous to Iraq?

No. The camel spiders in Iraq are not poisonous. They have extremely powerful pinchers, but are not equipped with fangs, like most spiders. They are in their own arachnid category, just as scorpions are. The only camel spiders known to be poisonous are in India.

Are orange spiders poisonous?

No. While an orange spider might have a fairly painful bite, it's bite is not considered to be venomous or poisonous. Some shockingly common spiders with dangerous and poisonous bites are black widows (known by their reddish hourglass design on their back) or brown recluse spiders.

What we call the motion of the wire of a violin .?

It is known as oscillation of a violin string.

What is a sun spider also known as?

The sun spider can also be known as a wind spider, a camel spider or a wind scorpion. The sun spider's scientific name is Eremobates sp.

Who make the violin?

Violinmakers, known as 'luthiers.'