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The initial capture stage can be the most dangerous for wild animals as they can experience high stress levels, injuries, and trauma during the process. The stress of capture can lead to health issues and psychological harm, making this stage particularly precarious for the animal's well-being.

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Q: What stage of captivity is potentially the most dangerous?
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What is the crime ranking of Canton Ohio?

In 2021, Canton, Ohio ranked as the 25th most dangerous city in the United States based on FBI crime data. The city has a higher crime rate compared to both the national average and Ohio's average.

What is the most dangerous city in Australia?

There isn't one single "most dangerous" city in Australia, as crime rates can vary from year to year. However, some cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane tend to have higher rates of certain crimes compared to others. It's important to note that overall, Australia is a relatively safe country to live in.

What is the crime ranking of Flint Michigan?

Flint, Michigan has a high crime rate and is often ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. It has a high incidence of violent crimes such as assault, robbery, and homicide. Residents of Flint are advised to take precautions and be aware of their surroundings.

What is the croweded and most dangerous part of a city called?

The crowded and most dangerous part of a city is often referred to as the "inner city" or the "urban core." This area tends to have higher crime rates, poverty levels, and population density compared to other parts of the city.

What is the most dangerous housing project in America?

The Cabrini-Green public housing project in Chicago was once known as one of the most dangerous in America, with high rates of crime and poverty. However, the complex has since been demolished and redeveloped. Today, there are other housing projects across the country that may be considered dangerous, but it can vary depending on factors such as crime rates, poverty levels, and social issues within the community.

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somolia i would imaging I didn't know there was a country of that name, but, depending on what you mean by "dangerous", China is a massive economic danger and could be equally dangerous militarily if it so chose. Look for the unstable countries with the most dangerous weapons (e.g. North Korea) and you've probably got it.

Is a gun shot loud?

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