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Q: What stands out as a major obstacle during Abraham Lincoln's lifetime?
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What was Abraham Lincolns approval rating?

It was the lowest approval rating during that century

What was Jefferson Davis' biggest obstacle during his presidency?

Abraham Lincoln

What was Abraham lincolns occupation during the civil war?

President of the United States of America.

What where some songs written during Abraham Lincolns time?

la la la ....................

What Important historical event that occurred during Abraham Lincolns term as president?

The American Civil War.

Where did Abraham Lincoln live during his lifetime?

Indiana, Illinois, Kentuky

When was Jewish created?

During the lifetime of Abraham, who lived 3800 years ago.

What are the names of Congress members during Abraham Lincolns presidency?

This is available on many websites devoted to US political history.

What was one of Abraham lincolns great achievements?

attempting to hold the nation together during the time when the southern states were looking to succeed from the Union.

What was a major legislation during Abraham Lincolns presidency?

Emancipation Proclamation was historically, immensely significant; without it, our country would be completely different.

In what ways was the faith of Abraham tested during his lifetime?

by offering up his miraculous son Issac.

When was faith called Judaism born?

During the lifetime of Abraham, who lived 3800 years ago.