

What state has the five great lakes?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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12y ago

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Not just one state has the five Great Lakes.

In fact, the five great lakes aren't all in just the United States. Both Canada and the USA have some of the five great lakes.

The border crosses right in the middle of each of the lakes, so Canada and the USA both have parts of each of the lakes.

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3y ago

Almost correct. The US and Canadian border does bisect four of the five Great Lakes: Superior, Huron, Eerie and Ontario. The fifth Great Lake, Michigan, is completely within the US border and does not belong to Canada at all.

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Not just one state has the five Great Lakes. In fact, the five great lakes aren't all in just the United States. Both Canada and the USA have some of the five great lakes. The border crosses right in the middle of each of the lakes, so Canada and the USA both have parts of each of the lakes. You can go to this link to see a picture example:

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The state of Michigan borders on four of the five Great Lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron and Erie. Michigan does not border on Lake Ontario.