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Q: What state of matter at room temperature are half of the elements in?
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At room temperature more than half of the nonmetal elements are?

Half are solid, one is liquid and the rest are gases. So there is no basic phase that more than half occupy.

Why is the table of elements split in half?

The periodic table of elements (Table of Mendeleev) is not split in half.

What non metals at room temp?

Most non metals are usually liquids or gases at room temperature, although not specifically one or the other. It depends on the properties of the substance. Most metals are solids at room temperature, with the exception of Mercury.

What is ununbium state at room temperature?

Ununbium is an artificial element. Because it is highly radioactive (with a half-life of less than a second), it's state is unknown.

Do all elements half half lifes?

yes they do

What is the low July temperature of the state capital of Arizona?

The normal low during the 2nd half of July in Phoenix is 84° F.

Are there any half liquid half solid elements on the periodic table?

The physical properties of any element is defined by two factors, pressure and temperature. All natural pure elements found on earth can exist in all phases. To change the phase (liquid, solid, gas) you can change either the pressure or temperature. The phase indicated on the periodic table is the element's ground state at 1 ATM (a unit of pressure) and 20oC or 293 K (Kelvin, where 0k= absolute zero, when all molecules stop moving). This URL explains phase diagrams

Does it matter if you only take half?

About a half of pill

Is it true all you need is half of the dollar bill in the state of Austin Texas?

No, you must have MORE THAN HALF of any bill in order for it to be honored. Doesn't matter if it's in Austin (which is a city, not a state) Texas (that's the state), or anywhere else - that is federal law, and does not vary between states.

When elements are stable?

Elements are stable when they have completely filled (or half filled) orbitals.

How come elements below uranium have equally short half-lives as the elements above uranium?

This affirmation is not correct; the half lives are different.

What is the physical state of ozone at room temperature and pressure?

The physical state of chlorine is a Greenish yellow gas with a pungent, irritating odor.