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Q: What statement about the Senates role in federal appointments is correct?
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What is the senates check on appointments on federal judges?

it approves their appointment

What is the senate check on appointments of federal judges?

The Senate has no check on the appointments of federal judges.

Who are appointments to the federal judiciary made by?


Who makes appointments for the federal courts?

The president makes the appointment for the federal courts

What is the Senate's check appointment of federal Judges?

The Senate has no check on the appointments of federal judges.

Do federal judges have lifetime appointments?

No, while federal judges hold their appointments during "good behavior", state judges do not necessarily have that luxury. Some state judges are elected.

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What branch of government has the power to approve appointments of federal judges?

The Senate.

What branch of government has the power to approve to appointments of federal judges?

The Senate.

What is the judiciary committee?

The Judiciary Committee is a congressional committee in the United States responsible for overseeing the judicial system, federal courts, and the appointment of federal judges. It plays a key role in shaping legislation related to the judicial branch of government.