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Q: What statement describes an example of active acquired immunity?
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Passive Immunity & Acquired Immunity ,

Receiving antivenom after a snake bite would be an example of which classification of immunity?

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Is a mother breastfeeding her baby an example of active natural immunity?

passive acquired

What are two types of acquired specific immunity?

There is innate immunity (that you are born with) and acquired immunity. Acquired immunity you get when you are vaccinated or you get the disease and fight it off. The best example is that of what we call common colds. There are about 100 different viruses that cause them. This is one reason that babies and young children seem to be always be coming down with one or getting over one.

How is active immunity similar to passive immunity?

Active immunity is long term protection that generally lasts 20-30 years and passive immunity is immediate protection. there are two forms, naturally acquired and artificially acquired. in active immunity the naturally acquired immunity is when you suffer from the disease then recover again. the artificially acquired way is by getting a vaccination. in passive immunity, the naturally acquired way is to receive antibodies from mother in pregnancy and breastfeeding, the artificial way is to have antibodies injected in a serum for immediate response for example when you have been bitten by a poisonous animal. note they are not vaccinated.

What is naturally acquired immunity?

Naturally acquired active immunity means that you have contracted the disease and your body has developed immune defenses against the disease. An example if when a person gets Chickenpox- the body has memory cells which functions to produce an immune response when it recognizes the same virus later on. The immunity for chicken pox is usually lifetime.

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What kind of immunity Maternal antibodies are an example of?

passive immunity

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What is an example of passive immunity?

Passive immunity happens when the antibody is already given to you. For example, the antibody that can be passed from mother to child. That is a natural passive immunity. The vaccine given to you when had rabies is also an example of passive immunity because again, what is given to you is already an antibody.

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For example the chemical reactivity.