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Q: What statement regarding the right ventricle is true?
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Is the pressure in the right ventricle higher or lower than the left ventricle?

The pressure in the left ventricle is significantly higher than the pressure in the right ventricle. This is true with the assumption that you are referring to ventricular systole (contraction of the ventricle). The left ventricle forces blood out of the heart into the aorta to all parts of the body, and that same pressure forces blood back through the veins.

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The right atrium receives blood from the systemic circulation and helps to fill the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary artery to be transported to the lungs.

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Paragraphs are used to organize writing into distinct sections.

is this statement true or false BC?

If the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then "This statement is false" is true, making the statement false. But if the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then... It's one of the biggest paradoxes ever, just like saying, "I'm lying right now."

Is it true that Pulmonary arteries transport blood low in oxygen from the right ventricle to the lungs?


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no state can be denied equal representation in the senate

What statement is true regarding the structure of the school system in the US?

It explains the reasons why the Constitution was written