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Q: What statement was most likely made by a member of the executive branch?
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Who is the top member of the executive branch?

The President is the head of the executive branch. Currently, thet is Barrack Obama

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Which statement was most likely made by a member of the executive branch?

"I formulated a policy that Congress then debated."

What branch of government does condeleeza rice work for?

The Secretary of State is a member of the Executive Branch.

What branch has a jury member?

that would be the judical not executive or legislative

How old do you have to be to be a member of the executive branch?

30 Years of Age

What is Barack Obama a member of?

He is a member of the Democratic Party, a member of the Christian (Protestant) religion, and a member of the Executive Branch of the government.

What are the member of executive branch?

The president and the departments that help run the government.

What branch approves the nomination of the secretary of state?

The Executive Branch of the Federal government is the branch that chooses who will be Secretary of State in the United States. The President of the United States appoints who will be in this post in the Cabinet.

How many terms do an elected member of the Executive branch serve?

4 years

Which holds the highest power the judicial or executive branch?

The highest power in the executive branch is the President of the United States. The highest ranking member of the judicial branch is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Is Condoleezza Rice in the legislative branch?

I oversee a federal agency that enforced new policies