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Q: What states are agaainst nuclear power and have no nuclear power plants or reactors?
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Related questions

How many nuclear power plants are there in the states?

104 operating reactors

Where are the nuclear reactors located in the us?

Illinois has most plants of the US states. See for a map of all US nuclear plants.

How many nuclear power plants is currently in United States?

There are 104 commercial nuclear power reactors in the US. See the related question below.

How many nuclear power plants do you have in the us that are active?

No new nuclear plants have been built in the US in the past 20 years. The Watts Bar plant was licenced in 1996, but had been built much earlier. The last plant actually built was the River Bend plant in Louisiana, which was licenced in 1986.

Where are these 64 nuclear plants located in the United States?

There are actually 104 operating reactors in the US. See website for details

Where are the most nuclear power plants in north America?

There are currently 62 commercially operated nuclear power plants and 100 nuclear reactors in the United States. They are located in 31 states with the most being in the state of Illinois.

What regions in America is using nuclear energy?

See, there is a list of all states with nuclear power reactors.

How many Nuclear Reactors are currently active in the United States?

104, see

How many Nuclear plants are in the US?

There are 104 operating commercial units at 64 sites. There are also 34 research reactors at varoius universities. These numbers do NOT include government reactors operated by the military or DOE.

Nuclear reactors should not be used to generate electricity?

False. Nuclear power is used to generate about 25% of the electricity in the United States, and about 75% of the electricity in France. Nuclear power is far safer than coal-fired power plants, and produces no harmful emissions, if you care about such things.

What nuclear energy is the United States using?

In 2007, US nuclear power plants generated 806.5 billion KWh. This was 19.4 percent of total US electricity. 69 PWR and 35 BWR reactors contributed to this total. Source: Nuclear Energy Institute,

How common is nuclear energy in the United States?

There are 104 operating nuclear power reactors in the US, but many states do not have any whilst some like Illinois have a number. You can see a map at