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There are built-in fire and pollution hazards. If you are talking about cremation inside a closed vessel, with no public fanfare, that is something else. there are people who do crazy things at funerals- and jumping into a fire- wow, that"s not done.

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1mo ago

The practice of open-air cremation on a funeral pyre is regulated at the state level in the United States. Currently, Colorado is the only state where funeral pyres are explicitly legal under certain conditions. Other states may have specific regulations or restrictions on this practice. It is important to check local laws and regulations before planning a funeral pyre.

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11y ago

Cremation in a closed=vessel thing certainly, but funeral pyres as you describe could easily get out of hand and spread- Out of Control blazes do make the news. an outdoor cremation pyre would almost certainly violate Fire Codes. Cremation under safe, controlled circumstances, yes, but not out of door blazes. Pyromania and related things- Pyrophilia- love of fires- has not place in Christianity, in my estimation.

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