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Q: What states require blood testing before marriage?
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What state you can't get married in with an STD?

Yes. No states in the US require STD testing to obtain a marriage certificate.

Do any states require a blood test for aids before marriage?

Yes. Indiana is one.

Why do some states require emissions testing?

you have write ipoopedinmypantsandruubeditonmymom there you have you answer.

What states require a blood test for marriage license?

All of them

Does Montana still require a blood test for marriage?

Yes. You can find a chart of all the states and their requirements for waiting periods and blood tests by googling "states that require blood test for marriage."

When would you be legally married?

In the United States you would be married when you obtain a valid marriage license and solemnize the marriage before an appropriate officiant. The marriage license must be signed and returned to record the marriage.In the United States you would be married when you obtain a valid marriage license and solemnize the marriage before an appropriate officiant. The marriage license must be signed and returned to record the marriage.In the United States you would be married when you obtain a valid marriage license and solemnize the marriage before an appropriate officiant. The marriage license must be signed and returned to record the marriage.In the United States you would be married when you obtain a valid marriage license and solemnize the marriage before an appropriate officiant. The marriage license must be signed and returned to record the marriage.

Why do states require a waiting period before a marriage license can be issued?

Some people would rather not work on the weekends.

Can you buy a car and register it in California if you are an Australian tourist?

yes but many states now require extensive testing for emissions and safety before they will license. Proof of RESIDENCE and insurance will also be required!

Why couples should produce evidence to show that they are HIV negative before they are allowed to get married?

Some states require blood testing to stop the spreading of blood infected diseases, from hepatitis to HIV.

Can your husband's ex-wife obtain property you purchased before your marriage?

No. In all states, the property cannot be taken if it was purchased before the marriage.

Why is the issue of same-sex marriage left up to the states?

In the United States, the states have always regulated eligibility and validity of marriage. Only once before, in the issue of interracial marriage, did the federal government overrule states rights in this regard.

Are there any states that require only one or two IDs and no other documentation or papers to register for marriage?
