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In 1820, Maine was added as a non-slave state (23rd), and Missouri was added as a "slave state" (slavery allowed). This plan kept the number of Northern, pro-abolition states equal to the number of Southern, anti-abolition states, 12 each. But after the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) established a state's right to choose its status on slavery, the Missouri Compromise was no longer in force.

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Q: What states were added in the Missouri Compromise and how did this keep a balance of power in the Senate?
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What was the plan that preserved the balance between slave and free states and in the senate?

A series of compromises, starting with the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

What kept the balance between slave and free states in 1820?

Missouri Compromise

What issue did the Missouri Compromise temporarily resolve?

The western expansion of slavery and the balance between slave and free states in the Senate

What balance were the Missouri compromise and the compromise of 1850 designed to protect?

Balancing of slave and free states.

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The Missouri Compromise maintained the balance between slave and free states.

Did the Missouri compromise preserved the balance between slave states and free states?


What was the name for the compromise proposed by Henry Clay for the admission of Missouri to the US and what did it say?

The name for the compromise proposed by Henry Clay for the admission of Missouri to the United States was the Missouri Compromise. It said that Missouri would be admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state. It kept the balance of power in the Senate between the slave states and free states. It also called for slavery to be banned from the Louisiana Territory north of the parallel 36˚ 30', Missouri's southern border.

In what year did the Missouri compromise begin?

The Missouri compromise was in 1820

What An attempt to maintain an equal balance between free states and slave states?

the Missouri Compromise

What was enacted in 1820 to keep a balance of power between slave states and free states?

Missouri Compromise

What was compromise?

The Missouri Comprimise was a plan so that Missouri could become a state and the balance of slave states and free states stayed balanced

What happened to the Missouri compromise after 1854?

After 1854, the Missouri Compromise, which was the attempt to balance the number of free states and slave states between the Northern and Southern states of the United States, was relinquished and replaced by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.