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Q: What step did Gorbachev take to change Soviets forgein policy?
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What step did Gorbachev to change the soviet foreign policy?

Gorbachev promoted cooperation with western countries in order to change soviet foreign policy.

What step did Gorbachev take to to change soviet foreign policy?

Gorbachev promoted cooperation with western countries in order to change soviet foreign policy.

What steps did gorbachev take to change the Soviet foreign policy?

Gorbachev promoted cooperation with western countries in order to change soviet foreign policy.

Nickname of Teddy Roosevelt aggressive forgein policy?

The nickname of Teddy Roosevelt aggressive forgein policy is Big Stick Diplomacy.

Who was the impotqnt forgein?

The importance of foreign policy is to advance economic prosperity

Who was the important forgein?

The importance of foreign policy is to protect America and the Americans

How did Mikhail Gorbachev begin to change Soviet foreign policy?

he began to work together with western countries

What did Mikhail Gorbachev open policy in the soviet union?

Glasnost .

How did Mikhail's Gorbachev's policy change relations between the soviet union and the US?

the two countries became less hostile toward each other

What Mikhail Gorbachev called his policy of openness?

It was called "glasnost". This policy encouraged people to express their opinion without any fear from the government. It also gave much freedom to the media. After Gorbachev' s Glasnost many musicians throughout Soviet Union emerged with songs about wanting change in society. Band like " Kino" encouraged young people to be open. In all, Gorbachev' s policy brought openness and freedom to old Soviet Union.

What is gorbachev's policy of openness and more freedom to the soviet people?


What was the soviets government's policy towards religion?

It was "discouraged"