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Q: What step was necessary to make the DNA visible?
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The final step in the hybridization of radioactively DNA and normal DNA is to?

Make a solution with the two types of DNA

What makes DNA visible?

You can an electrophoresis gel and then stain the gel using a solution such as coomassie blue to make the bands visible. Alternatively, you can stain a cell containing DNA by using acridine orange. It is necessary to observe these under an electron light microscope.

What does protease do to DNA?

It cooprates with the lysis buffer to make our DNA sample visible to the human eye! lol jk.

When does DNA become visible?

DNA is never visible to a naked eye but you can see chromosomes filled with DNA in mitosis during prophase.

How can you tell if isolated RNA is free of DNA?

There is a DNA killing step in RNA isolation by the enzyme DNase I. This will make sure your preparation is free of DNA.

When is a copy of DNA necessary?

ANSWER: A copy of DNA is necessary in the process of protien synthesis.

What is a DNA repair enzyme activated by visible light?

DNA photolyase

What do male sperm cells do?

They provide 50% of the DNA material necessary to make a baby !

What is last step in the production of a recombinant DNA plasmid?

The last step in the production of a recombinant DNA plasmid is joining the DNA. This is done by adding DNA ligase to joint DNA fragments.

What do you do with DNA?

DNA is necessary to construct proteins for the body.

What is necessary for DNA cloning to take place?

RNA, which is produced by the nucleolus, is necessary for transporting the necessary information for DNA to clone itself.

Why initial denaturation step is done before denaturation step in PCR?

To make sure the double-strand DNA template is separated into single strands.