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While Rhineland was still under German jurisdiction, they were not permitted to have military personnel in this area. The first thing Hitler did was to reoccupy the Rhineland region. He went on to take over Austria, Czechoslovakia, and finally Poland all before the end of 1939.

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Q: What steps did Adolf Hitler take through the end of 1939 to expand German territory?
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By force

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The German empire created by Hitler and the Nazis is often referred to as the Third Reich. It was established in 1933 when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, and it lasted until 1945. The Nazi regime aimed to create a racially pure German society, expand German territory, and dominate Europe. The empire ultimately led to the atrocities of World War II and the Holocaust.

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The Sudetenland

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Adolf Hitler had three primary obsessions: racial purity, territorial expansion, and anti-Semitism. He believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race and sought to purify it by eradicating "inferior" races. Hitler also sought to expand German territory, believing in the concept of Lebensraum or living space for the German people. Lastly, he harbored a deep hatred and paranoia towards Jews which led to their persecution and ultimately the Holocaust.

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The main goal was to expand the German Lebensraum (vital space)

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What did Hitler discuss at the Fhrer Conference in November 1937?

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What was the term used by Hitler for 'living room' as he promised land for the Aryans?

Hitler used the term "Lebensraum" connoting room for the German peoples to expand into other territories that were not within the boundaries of Germany proper.