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Q: What steps should couples take before getting married?
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Couples should have a joint bank account before they get married.?

Couples should have a joint bank account before they get married.

Before getting a divorce, couples should attend marriage counseling to work on their problems.?

Before getting a divorce, couples should attend marriage counseling to work on their problems.

Should same-sex married couples have the right to own property?

if they had the right to own property before they married then why would marriage decrease their rights?

How do you tell your dad you are married?

He should know you're getting married BEFORE you're married. When you tell him you are GOING to get married, you should just go up to him all happy and say, "I'm getting married!"

How to find a girlfriend for a married couple?

Married couples should not include girlfriends.

When your girlfriend is 55 and you are 62 and you are both ready for retirement how long do older couples usually date before they are engaged and how long before the wedding?

There are no rules for how long the two of you should date before becoming engaged, or be engaged before getting married. This is a very personal decision that can only be made by the couple.

Should you get legally married before your ceremony?

There is no reason to avoid having a legal marriage before a religious ceremony. Many couples do this in order to gain the marriage benefits.

How long should you wait before getting your cherry popped?

After you are done with college and married...

Should companies extend benefits to unmarried gay couples such as health insurance and what about cohabiting heterosexual couples?

Of course, employers should treat gay couples and heterosexual couples the same way. If it's to the company's advantage to offer partner benefits to unmarried couples, it should offer those benefits to both heterosexual and gay couples. In many jurisdictions, companies may be required to offer benefits to spouses of employees. If this is the case, they should offer the same benefits to married gay couples that they offer to married straight couples.

Should married couples be allowed to use contraceptive methods for family planning?

Yes, married couples can use birth control. It is their decision to use birth control.

How long should you date before marriage if you are over 50?

The time that you should date before getting married if you're over 50 will be a personal preference. Some people have dated for just weeks before getting married.

What things should married couples communicate on?

everything, except past lovers!!