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Q: What steroid does the placenta produce during pregnancy?
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When does the female body produce Estriol?

Estriol is produced in a woman's body during pregnancy. It is made by the placenta by a sulfate in the woman's body, which is an androgen steroid that's made in the fetal liver within her body.

What is the endocrine-producing organ in pregnant women?

In pregnant women the placenta also functions as an endocrine gland becoming the principle site of steroid production during pregnancy.

What is the endocrine producing organ in pregnant women?

In pregnant women the placenta also functions as an endocrine gland becoming the principle site of steroid production during pregnancy.

Which hormone released by the placenta during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters helps to sustain the pregnancy?

That hormone is called as progesterone. Placenta starts to produce this hormone from the first trimester only.

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They lay eggs during pregnancy.

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What does a placenta do during pregnancy?

keeps a baby

Why is the corpus luteum important to reproduction?

The corpus luteum produces progesterone during the time that the placenta is forming, about the first trimester. After the placenta is mature, it will continue to produce progesterone while the corpus luteum degenerates. Progesterone is an important pregnancy hormone. Pregnancy cannot continue without it.

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Can the placenta move during pregnancy?

Yes. But the movement is relative. Placenta does not change the position. But lower placenta may move up. So that placenta previa may become normal placenta.

Where does the baby gets its food during pregnancy?

From the placenta through the umbilical cord.

How does a developing fetus exchange material during pregnancy?

through the placenta and umbilical cord