

What stimulates the nose?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What stimulates the nose?
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How does the influenza virus stimulates the body?

most likely enters through nose,mouth or eyes.

Why do people get runny nose when you drink or eat hot things?

Spicy hot food has a chemical called capsaicin which stimulates your respiratory tract and your digestive tract to release more mucus because they both share a region called the pharanx, the throat. Capsaicin stimulates the thermoreceptors that register temperature.

What stimulates vaccination?

Vaccines stimulates the immune system to make antibodies

What stimulates the secretion of estrogen?

Oestrogen stimulates the hormone LH. LH is secreted in pituitary gland and stimulates the release of an egg

What part of speech is stimulates?

"Stimulates" is a verb. It is the 2nd person singular, present tense. "He, she, it stimulates."

What does the FSH stimulate in women?

High levels of the hormone oestrogen stimulates the production of FSH hormone in women.

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Erythropoietin, a hormone, produced by the kidneys stimulates RBCs.

Name the hormone that stimulates drinking behavior?

Ghrelin is the name of the hormone that stimulates drinking behavior. It also impacts the way that one tastes food, and stimulates feeding.

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Nicotien or anything chemical which stimulates the Nicotinic receptors.

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finance is force that both stimulates and restraints business action?

ACTH stimulates the cortx of which gland?

ACTH stands for Adrenocorticotropic homone. So it stimulates the adrenal cortex.

What stimulates germination of desert plant seeds after a hard rain?

The water itself stimulates the germination of the seeds.