

What stores more energy?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What stores more energy?
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Does ADP store more energy than ATP?

no! atp stores more! :)

What stores more energy starch or fat?

starch gives more energy than sugar because starch is a polysaccharide(polymer of sugar).

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Is there more energy before or after photosynthesis?

Neither. Energy is neither created nor destroyed it only ever changes form. This is the First Law of Thermodynamics. However, if you want to talk about energy that is available to the cell in a usable form then there is more of that at the end photosynthesis.

What is organic molecules stores the greatest amount of energy?

fats and oils have more than twice the energy of other organic chemicals.

Which plants contain more starch the ones that get no sunlight or the ones that do?

Photosynthesis is the prosess plants use to convert sunlight energy into sugar energy or starch, therefore, the more sunlight a plant gets, the more energy is converted and the more starch it stores

What type of energy stores energy?

potential energy because it is stored down in compression

What electrial device stores energy?

That could be a power cell (battery), or more correctly, a capacitor.

What of energy a battery stores?

A battery stores chemical energy which is released in the form of electricity.

What happen when the body is supply with more energy that it burn?

It stores the excess energy in the form of fat cells, to be metabolized when needed at a later time.

What energy does a candle stores?

It is the heat energy

Steam stores what energy?

Kinetic energy