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You should talk to your vet about the details of any kind of treatment, including natural treatments.

I have never heard of grape extract used as a preventative for coccidiosis. MediRabbit does say this:

"Branches and leaves rich in tannin (willow, hazelnut, oak, ash, fruit trees, eventually pines) are excellent in preventing coccidiosis. Before a rabbit is given a twig to chew, it is important to check that it's picked from a tree that is not toxic to rabbits. Furthermore, the tree must not have been exposed to chemicals or pollution from busy roads."


Not all vets have experience treating rabbits. Be careful looking for a vet for your rabbit: do some research, and interview the vet to make sure they know what they're talking about. The House Rabbit Society is a good place to start (you can find their website by doing a web search).

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Q: What strength and how much grape seed extract do you to give a rabbit as a coccidia preventative?
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