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caries is another word for cavities.

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Q: What structure caries proprioceptive input to the cerebellum?
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What part of the brain receives input from all other parts of the brain to coordinate movements?

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What is the medial nuclei of the thalamus?

It depends on which group of thalamic nuclei that you are referring to.anterior group of nuclei = relay station for hippocampal impulsesmedial group of nuclei = relay station for visceral impulsesanterior ventral group of nuclei = relay station for extrapyramidal impulsesintermediate ventral group of nuclei = relay station for cerebellar impulses concerned with integration of muscle tonepostero-lateral ventral group of nuclei = relay station for exteroceptive impulses & proprioceptive impulses from the opposite side of the body below the headpostero-medial ventral group of nuclei = relay station for exteroceptive and proprioceptive impulses from opposite side of headinterlaminar + midline + reticular nuclei = participate in the arousal reactions of the brain

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Where are proprioceptors located?

Proprioceptive centres are located in your muscles and the joints. They provide you with the sense of position of various parts of the body. Together with the input from the vestibulocochlear apparatus, you get orientation of your body position in the space.

Is dendrites a structure of a neuron?

Yes, dendrites are the input structures of a neuron.

Which structure is the brains main source of input to the cerebral cortex?

The thalamus

What is the input of the neuron structure?

A dendrite (or often a small protrusion from it called a dendritic spine) is the structure of a neuron that is usually the input to the neuron. A synapse is what makes the input to a neuron, via chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. And inputs to a neuron cansometimes be made to the soma (body) of a neuron, or even to the axon. But the dendrites are the "normal" input structures.

Why merge sort is not in-place?

this use auxiliar data structure for to work, in-place is that on the same data structure of input this sort

True or false The right side of the cerebellum controls the right side of the body?

I deleted the previous person's answer due to the fact that it was grossly incorrect. The cerebellum acts in contrast to the cerebrum. The cerebrum's functions are unilateral whereas the cerebellums are not. Therefore the answer to this question is that yes the right side of the cerebellum does control the right side of the body.the answer is false for vhs user