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Q: What structure connects the testes with the ductus deferans?
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Tube that connects the testes to the urethra?

The epididymus leaves the testies and connects ot the Vas Deferens (also called the Ductus Deferens) which attaches to the ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory duct is a short segment that connects to the urethra.

What connects the testes to the vas deferens?


Ductus deferens belongs to what system?

By simply looking up "ductus deferens" on you can find the answer. artery of ductus deferens, male reproductive system: The proximal portion of the ductus deferens is a component of the spermatic cord, which contains vascular and neural structures that supply the testes. The spermatic cord contains the ductus deferens, testicular artery and veins, lymph vessels, testicular nerve, cremaster muscle that elevates the testes for warmth and at times of sexual stimulation, and a connective tissue covering. my answer: The Reproductive System -ddelarosa2992 Why would you even bother changing a very accurate and detailed answer with something so vague as "the reproductive system"? Not too bright.

What connects testes to urethra?

ejaculatory duct

Which structure produces sperm cell in male?

They are created entirely within the testes but they are Matured in a complex folded tube called the Epididymus. This a a bundle of tangled up tubing that lied curved around the posterior of the teste. It is continuous with the Ductus Deferens ( or Vas Deferens). **its actually the seminiferous tubules

The supportive structure that houses the testes?

The Scrotum

Which organ is found only in men?

The male genitals include the testes, the ductus deferens, the seminal vesicles, the ejaculatory ducts, and the penis, together with these accessory structures: the prostate and the bulbourethral glands.The testes are two glandular organs, which secrete the semen; they are suspended in the scrotum by the spermatic cords.

What structure regulates the temperature of the testes?

A muscle called the creamaster.

What structure is found above the kidneys but only in male frogs?

The testes.

What are the structure that produce seminal fluid?

The seminal vesicle

Which structure secretes a hormone that promotes maturation of gametes?

1. Testes

What carries the sperm cell from the testes to urethra?

Vas deferens