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The cell wall surrounding all plant cells

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Q: What structure could you see in the Elodea cells?
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What is the microscopic structures make up organisms such as Elodea?

The 3 characteristics can be seen in elodea microscopically are cell wall, large central vacuole and chloroplasts. When looking under a microscope at elodea you can see the basic structure of plant cells.

Why can't you see this structure in elodea?

Because your eyes suck go to an optomitrist

Are there organelles in elodea?

Yes the organelles float inside the Cytoplasm inside the Elodea cells.

Do elodea cells contain nucei?

Yes, an elodea cell does have a nucleus. I just did an experiment in Biology and the nucleus is just hard to see unless you are using a stain, like iodine or methylene blue. The nucleus is hard to see because it is small and the large vacuole may obstruct your view of it. All eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, and all prokaryotic ells have a nucleoid region.

What type of organism is an elodea?

Elodea cells are plant cells which are mainly found in aquatic plants which are commonly known as water weeds. They have a cell membrane, mitochondria, nucleus, ribosome and so much more.

Why don't you have to stain the elodea leaf cell?

The reason for this is that many cells have organelles that are very hard to see under a microscope, staining these cells allows you to more easily see these organelles. In the case of an Elodea, the invisble organelles is the central vacuole.

Would you see the same effect in elodea cells if you used a glucose solution instead of a water solution?

you would not see the same effect because there is sugar in one and not in the other

What is the function of an elodea cell?

Well, an elodea is a, ask yourself, what does a plant do? Technically, nothing. Or, rather, nothing we see. However, it does do the little things that plants do--for example, create food, grow, reproduce, live...

Can see the plasmodesmata in the persimmon but not in the Elodea?


Why you use the elodea leaf instead of other tree leaves?

because an oak leaf is too thick to see the cells through a microscope. The light can not go though.

Why onion is used to see the structure of a plant cell?

because it has plant cells

When you examined the blood cells slide what parts are observed?

Most cells you see will be red blood cells (erythrocytes) and they lack a nucleus in their structure.