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That is the stomach. It produces the hormone gastrin

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8y ago

Gastrin is the hormone. It is secreted by Stomach

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Q: What structure functions as a digestive organ and also produces a hormone?
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What cell structure produces enzymes in the pancreas?

While the pancreas produces insulin, insulin is a hormone not a digestive enzyme. The enzymes secreted by the pancreas are proteases, lipase, trypsin and amylase.

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GHT usually refers to Growth Hormone Therapy. Human Growth Hormone, or hGH, is produced and secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

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That is the thyroid gland.

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anterior pituitary gland produces growth hormone

What causes a pancreas to fail?

the pancreas, it no longer produces enough insulin (hormone) or when cells stop working etc.

What is a hormone products by a digestive organ?

It is the hormone gastrin. It is secreted by stomach

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Testosterone does not produce a hormone it IS a hormone.

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No. Too little thyroid hormone produces cretinism in children.

What recognize a hormone's chemical structure?

A target cell is a cell in the body that recognizes a hormone's chemical structure. It is a cell to which a hormone binds chemically.

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A target cell is a cell in the body that recognizes a hormone's chemical structure. It is a cell to which a hormone binds chemically.

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Functions of the pancreas?

Function of the Pancreas The pancreas is a small organ located near the lower part of the stomach and the beginning of the small intestine. This organ has two main functions. It functions as an exocrine organ by producing digestive enzymes, and as an endocrine organ by producing hormones, with insulin being the most important hormone produced by the pancreas.The pancreas secretes its digestive enzymes, through a system of ducts into the digestive tract, while it secretes its variety of hormones directly into the bloodstream.Abnormal pancreatic function can lead to pancreatitis or diabetes mellitus.