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Q: What structure has gastric pits that secrete gastric juice?
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Does the small intestine contain gastric pits?

Gastric pits are located in the stomach.

What type of acid is secreted by the gastric pits in the stomach?

Gastric juice is secreted from gastric glands, which are located in narrow tube like structures called gastric pits. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, pepsinogenand mucus in a healthy adult. Hydrochloric acid is secreted by parietal cells, pepsinogen is secreted by gastric chief cells and mucus is secreted by mucus neck cells. Source: Wikipedia

What glands are found between the rugae?

The rugae gradually smooth out as the stomach fills, permitting stomach distension. A cross section of the stomach lining reveals that in between the rugae are gastric pits, which are the openings of the gastric glands.

What gland in found between the rugae and the stomach lining?

between the rugae are gastric pits, which are the openings of the gastric glands

Why does walls of the stomach secrete hydrochloric acids?

Hydrochloric acid is secreted from the stomach because the enzyme pepsin, which breaks down proteins in the stomach, works best in acidic conditions. The acid also helps to kill any bacteria in the food. The hydrochloric acid is actually secreted from the pits in the stomach wall called gastric pits.

What is the structure and function of pits in plants?

Some fruit seeds are called pits.

What are the pits or pockets between the villi that secrete large volumes of intestinal juices and electrolytes into the small intestine to help nutrient digestion?

Crypts of Lieberkuhn

Why might a cook wrap a lemon wedge in cheesecloth before squeezing juice from the lemon?

So only the juice enters the recipe; not the pits or the flesh

How long does it take for lemon juice to lighten your armpits?

Lemon juice won't make your arm pits lighter and if you shave them first it will burn. If you use lemon juice all you will have is a lemony smell.

What are gastric juices and what do that contain?

Gastric juices are produced in the gastric pits and secreted into the StomachThey contain pepsin(a type of protease) an enzyme that breaks down proteins, acid which makes the pepsin break down food faster and mucus that coats the walls of your stomach to stop the enzymes breaking them down as well.Read more: Discuss:What_is_the_function_of_the_gastric_juice_in_the_stomach

Does the stomach contain hormone producing cells?

"Glands" are like tiny pits in the lining of the stomach. These glands are lined with certain cells: Parietal cells: secrete acid and intrinsic factor Mucous cells: secrete mucus Chief cells: secrete pepsinogen Enteroendocrine cells: secrete various Stem cells: create new cells (So glands are not cells)

What do gastric pits produce?

gastric pits contain 3 main types of cells, the mucousa cell which produces mucus that lines the inside of the stomach to stop the stomach acid from digesting itself. the pariental which secretes hydrochloric acidby active transport into the stomach to aide breaking down the foods. and the chief cell which secretes pepsin, an emzyme that breaks down food intomore soluble pieces which can be then taken into the intestines to be absorbed.