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Q: What structure in the eye help nocturnal animals see well at night?
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Does a nocturnal animal eat at night or during the daytime?

If the animal has like night vision eyes or wants to hunt other nocturnal animals yes it can help. if the animal is eating plants still a yes. For example mice might think they are safe at night even though an owl could be nearby.

Why nocturnal animals got big eyes?

Becuase if they're nocturnal, they come out at night, which means they need to see in the dark (in fields and gardens etc). Having big eyes help them to do that.

what kind of nocturnal animals live in California?

Yes, there are many nocturnal birds in California... check out it's a great ID site and will have tons of info that will help you identify the sounds that you are hearing at night. Have fun!

Do all nocturnal animals eat meat?

They could both be Omnivore. (Meat & Veg eater). Possums, Rats and many more are Nocturnal animals. They might be Carnivores (Meat Eaters) because their prey might be sleeping, But if they are Herbivores, (Veg Eater) it might just be the way it is! This is just my opinion so it isn't the 101% correct answer, But this is quite reasonable. Happy to help. CHEERS!

What is unique about nocturnal animals?

I have a YouTube channel specialized in animal informative content you can ask any questions on the channel and I will make a video about it, that will help. the channel is called Wild enough

Do harp seals sleep at night or during the day?

Harp seals do hibernate it has been proven by scientists like me that they will hibernate in the near future witch is in 1 year they will hibernate because global warming (this is real you can search it up ask questions to me a real scientist)

What are some adaptations night monkeys have?

The noisy night monkey is arboreal, meaning that it lives in the trees, and nocturnal, meaning that it is awake at night. These two adaptations help the noisy night monkey steer clear of predators in the rainforest.

Why do ayes ayes have big eyes?

They have relatively large eyes to help them collect light while they are active at night. The species is nocturnal.

Why do margays have large eyes?

Like all nocturnal animals Margays have proportionally larger eyes to help gather more light.

How can an animal's structure help it survive in different enviornments?

all this animals die every day it really doesnt matter how animals structure helps its survive in different enviornments

Why is a platypus diurnal?

Most species of Australian mammals are nocturnal, and this is usually an adaptation over time to help them avoid their main predtaors, which are birds of prey and snakes. Platypuses are mainly nocturnal feeders, and can usually only be observed at dawn and the in the very early morning, and dusk/late evening. This behaviour is known as "crepuscular".

Are wolverines diurnal?

In short, yes. Although technically they are both diurnal and nocturnal. Wolverines are on a 4 hour cycle. What they do is nap for 4 hours, then venture out, forage and hunt for 4 hours. At night they sleep more than hunt because their eyesight is not as good as other nocturnal animals (ie. raccoon). Trappers of wolverines have better luck in the daytime due to this and usually put new traps out at night to avoid being seen.