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They have no "vascular system".

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Q: What structure in the moss is like the spore cased in ferns?
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What is the meaning spore case?

A spore case is an organ which contains spores (reproductive bodies like in ferns).

What is the difference between cycadopsida and ferns?

cycopsida is palm like structure

How do moss and ferns differ?

Ferns are pteridophytes. Mosses are bryophytes. Mosses have rhizoids, simple root like structures, ferns have rhizomes or underground stems. Both ferns and mosses reproduce via spores, produced from the sporophyte and gametes from the gametophyte. Ferns; however, are sporophyte dominant and mosses are gametophyte dominant. The main, most noticeable form of the moss is the gametophyte, a haploid structure. The less obvious moss sporophyte is simply a stalk called a seta and spore capsule. On the other hand the most noticeable part of the fern is the sporophyte, which may be huge in the case of tree ferns like Dicksonia and Alsophila/Cyathea. The very much less conspicuous part of a fern life cycle is the nondominant gametophyte, which takes the form of a cardoid prothallus and produces gametes (sperm cells and egg cells) in archegonia and antheridia. Spores are produced in the spore capsules of mosses. In ferns, whole clusters of spore capsules called sporangia are found huddled in structures called sori (singular sorus) on the underside of the fern fronds. Mosses do not have true leaves. The leaf like structures are haploid and unicellularly thick. Ferns have multicellular, diploid fronds.

What do you call a tiny cell that can grow into a new fern or moss?

A tiny cell that can grow into a new fern or moss is called a spore. Some plants, like ferns, produce these instead of seeds. Spores are also used for reproduction by mushrooms and by molds.

What is the root-like structure of a mold?

A windblown spore finds a area with adequate moisture and nutrients will develop hair like structure. On the medium the mold produces a fruiting structure called conidia.

What is the function of indusium?

umbrella like structure that protects a cluster sporangia from drying and other hazards in ferns

Are ferns a seed bearing plant?

Ferns don't produce seeds. Ferns reproduce through Spores which are produced on fertile fronds (leaves) which are distinguishable by the dark usually circular patches on the underside. The spore is like the seed of a flowering plant, in that it is the way the fern reproduces and spreads. A spore, however, is different in that it is a single cell that has only one copy of each chromosome (haploid), and a seed is multicellular and has two (diploid). The spore develops into a plant called a gametophyte that can produce both sperm and eggs. These unite in the processes called fertilization, producing a "baby" fern called a zygote, which now has two copies of each chromosome (it is diploid). By normal cell division, this grows into the fern plant as we know it.

What can spore creature creator do that normal spore can't?

Nothing. Spore Creature Creature is like a demo for Spore. If you have Spore, don't bother getting Creature Creature.

Are plants flowering or none flowering?

You get both flowering plants and non-flowering plants; non-flowering are things like mosses, ferns and liverworts which produce spore, flowering plants produce seeds

Ferns bear coated cells that look like small black dots on the bottom surface of their fronds These cells have the potential to grow into a fern plant What are' These cells are called?

I'm not sure if they really are cells, but they're called spores. Similar to pollen. If it 'breaks open', the contents of the spore releases into the air and gets grounded elsewhere to reproduce into more ferns.

How are plants offspring like their parents?

They will have the same basic structure, organs and tissues, and will reproduce in the same way. For instance, ferns will produce ferns, not seaweed. Oak trees will have the same type of bark and leaf shape as their parents, though the exact shape of the tree will depend on its environment.

Will there be more expansion packs for Spore?

yes they have confirmed spore creature keeper which is like a alien version of sims and spore Aqua which is a water stage