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Q: What structure towered over the center of teotihuacan?
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What is the past tense of tower?

The past tense of "tower" is "towered": The young man towered over his classmates.

How do you use the word ziggurat in a sentence?

The ancient temple was built on top of a ziggurat, a massive stepped structure that towered over the city.

Is towered a verb?

Yes. Take for instance:He towered over the small child who was five years younger than him.

Where is the center of gravity in a structure?

For a structure (usually a tower) that is perpendicular to the ground, if the center of gravity were to go a distance over its base, it will fall over. Can be seen in the leaning tower of piza. The reason it has not fallen over is because its center of gravity has not exceeded the length of its base.

Can you use GRUFFALO to write a simile?

As big as a GRUFFALO, the mountain towered over the landscape.

How high was the ice berg that hit the titanic?

The iceberg towered over 18ft (30m probably) over the boat deck.

How do you use omninously in a sentence?

It wasn't raining yet, but the storm-clouds towered over us ominously.

What is a good sentence for crest?

The crest of the wave towered ominously over our heads. We'll crest this hill, before long.

What is the single largest building in mesoamerica?

The Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico is considered the largest building in Mesoamerica. It is a massive pre-Columbian structure that is dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl. Standing at over 180 feet tall, it is the largest pyramid by volume in the world.

How tall is Eric koston?

I took a picture with him at a skate Demo He kinda towered over me a bit im 5'7 so I think he's about 5'10

Center of gravity in man and woman?

A women's body structure is such that they have a lower center of gravity, because of their wider hips and heavier bond structure in the lower abdominal part of the skeleton, as compared to men's structure. Men in general have wider shoulders as compared to women. This lower center of gravity is the main cause for women to be able to bend forward in the kneeling position without falling over forward. When men try to bend over, they will fall forward because of the location of their center of gravity. Then this center of gravity passes beyond the knees, their bodies will topple forward.

The word imposing in a sentence?

The imposing mountain range towered over the small village below, casting a shadow that stretched for miles.