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Q: What structures are located in the medulla of the ovary?
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What structures are located in the renal pyramid?

in the medulla!

What are inverted in the ovary of a mare?

The layers of the ovary, the cortex is on the inside and the medulla on the outside. The naming scheme of cortex and medulla are used for many organs in the body, like the kidney. In all cases the cortex is on the outside and the medulla on the inside in all organs of every species except the horse ovary.

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The haploid (n) ovules are contained in structures called locules in the ovary of the flower. On fertilization the ovary becomes the fruit and the fertilized ovules the seeds

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No, they are not visible on a corn grain because these two structures are located inside the ovary.

What is the section of the human encephalon which comprises the pons cerebellum and medulla?

These two structures are located in the brainstem which is the most posterior part of the brain.

The triangular shaped areas of the renal medulla are the what?

Renal Pyramids - The renal medulla consists of 6 to 18 distinct conical or triangular structures called renal pyramids.

Respiratory control centers are located in the .?

medulla and pons

Is the brainstem divided into three structures?

Yes, the brainstem is divided into three structures: the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. These structures are responsible for controlling basic functions such as breathing, heart rate, and sleep cycle.

What structures are produce within the ovary of the flowers?

Ovale, or seeds, are produced within the ovary of gumamela flower.

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An enclosed ovary