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Bad weather alone was enough trouble, sometimes it would be too foggy for the boats to travel or too cold to leave camp. Also, rain would cause the instruments to rust so Lewis had to constantly check them and oil them down again. Along the river were mass amounts of mosquitoes which Lewis said "gathered around my face so much so I could not see." Choppy waters would make boat travel difficult and while they made it, there was the constant fear of drowning or the boat capsizing. Hostile natives, disease (men drank from the rivers, and there was a shortage of fruit and vegetables), wild animals, mutiny from members of the expedition, and always the constant danger of falling into one of the rivers, breaking a leg, etc. Bad water would cause the men to suffer from terrible boils on their skin; Lewis would suffer from a bad case of the flu one winter and Clark suffered from a "rheumatism of the neck" which caused him pain for several days. For Clark, Lewis applied a "hot stone wrapped in flannel" to help ease his pain. At one point Lewis was accidentally shot in the left thigh by a near-blind member of the expedition, but managed to make it back safely. During the winter, the men suffered from frostbite, luckily leading to no necessary amputations, but the cold temperatures prevented them from leaving their forts to hunt. Also, several times the men had to keep constant guard on their supplies and natives would follow them and try to steal their horses.

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Q: What struggles did the Lewis and Clark expedition face on their journey to the Pacific Ocean?
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What areas did the lewis and claek expedition and the pike expedition explore?

The Lewis and Clark expedition explored the western portion of the United States, journeying from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. They focused on the area of the Louisiana Purchase, including present-day states such as Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The Pike expedition, led by Zebulon Pike, explored parts of the western and southwestern United States. They ventured into the Rocky Mountains, the southern Great Plains, and the present-day states of Colorado and New Mexico. Pike's expedition aimed to explore and establish American presence in the newly acquired lands of the Louisiana Purchase.

Who was the mapmaker of the Lewis and clark expedition?

William Clark

What areas did Lewis and Clark expedition and pike expedition explore?

i think

Who is responsible for finding a route from the Missouri to the Pacific Ocean?

The Lewis and Clark expedition's goal as stated by President Jefferson was "to explore the Missouri River, & such principal stream of it as, by its course & communication with the water of the Pacific ocean may offer the most direct & practicable water communication across this continent, for the purposes of commerce." In other words, Lewis and Clark had to find an all-water route to the Pacific Ocean and in this they failed. The route they did create, however, would end up being a major part in the creation of the Oregon Trail. Also, during the journey, Lewis and Clark prepared approximately 140 maps and these proved very useful during the great pioneer movement that settled the West in the mid-1800's.

What kind of landscape did Lewis and Clark experience during their expedition?

The type of landscape that Lewis and Clark experienced during their expedition was considered untamed. This land was considered unpredictable and dangerous.