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Q: What subscripts would most likely be used if an alkali metal and a nonmetal from group 6A formed an ionic compound?
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What subscripts would most likely be used if an alkali metal and a halogen formed an ionic compound?

1 and 1

What is A compound of an alkali metal and a halogen?

A salt could be formed by an alkali metal and a(n)

What are formed when two metals or a metal and nonmetal are combined?

A covalent bond is formed. A molecular compound is formed.

What is formed when two metal or a metal and nonmetal are combined?

A covalent bond is formed. A molecular compound is formed.

Type of compound?

There are ionic compounds which is a compound formed by a positive metal ion and a negative nonmetal ion. And there are convalent compounds which is a compound formed in which atoms share electrons.

What is formed when two metals or a metal and nonmetal are combined?

I don't know but what i do know is that two metals combined form a strip of metal called Bimetallic.

What type of compound is formed when elements combine?

It depends on the elements that are combining. if they are a metal and a nonmetal then it would be an ionic compound. If they are both nonmetals then it would be a molecular compound.

Which is most likely a compound formed with covalent bonds?

Molecule. A nonmetal to nonmetal covalent bond. Electronegativity is not variant enough among the nonmetals to form ionic bonds.

What is the ratio of anion to cations in a compound formed by a group 2A metal and a group 7A nonmetal?

1 to 2

Is chloride a metal or nonmetal?

Chloride is a term used for salts. Chlorine is a chemical element, nonmetallic.

What happens when you react an alkali metal with a metalloid?

They combine directly to form salts. E.g. lithium + fluorine -- > lithium fluoride if i am not mistaken..

How would you determine the difference between an ionic and covalent compound from its chemical formula?

it depends if the formula. it is ionic if the bonds are formed between nonmetal and metals.