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Q: What substance are thought to be main sources of chlorine radicals in the atmosphere?
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What are the main sources of chlorine radicals?


What substance can damage the ozone layer?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and the chlorine that they release are causing the damage to the ozone layer, and the extreme thinning at the poles that are called "holes". Ozone is a protective layer in the upper atmosphere. It is formed, when oxygen molecules absorb short wavelength ultra violet radiations from the sun. Ozone is mostly destroyed by free radicals in the atmosphere. When compounds like CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and other halocarbons are released, they are dissociated by sunlight into chloride radicals. These radicals attack ozone, thereby decreasing its concentration. This results in a thinning of the ozone layer, and in polar regions, a hole. The holes occur at the poles, and usually in Antarctica because of the extreme cold. During the winter polar stratospheric clouds form which are able to convert gases in the atmosphere into Cl (chlorine) and ClO (chlorine monoxide). When the sun arrives at the end of winter, that is the trigger to begin. This is why the hole is largest in spring.

What percent of the sources of chlorine in the stratosphere are CFCS?

The answer is 69 %

Does chlorine released from natural sources cause ozone depletion?

Yes it does. Chlorine depletes the ozone layer.

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the ocean

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Evaporation, Respiration, Transpiration.

What energy sources drives the atmosphere and hydrosphere?

Energy from the Sun.

Why should carbon stay the same in the atmosphere?

Carbon in the atmosphere is added by processes like combustion, decomposition and losses from methane sources. It is removed by photosynthesis and, chemical reaction and dissolving in ocean water. As long as the sources exceed the sinks the carbon will stay (and increase) in the atmosphere. Human activities increase the sources and decrease the sinks.

What are 2 sources of EM waves in earth's atmosphere?

the sun and technology