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ethyl alcohol

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Q: What substance is formed as a result of the process of anaerobic respiration?
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What substance is formed as a result of process of anaerobic respiration?

ethyl alcohol

What is the chemical substance formed in the anaerobic respiration in muscles?


Is Lactic Acid formed in Aerobic respiration?

No it is not formed in aerobic respiration. It is produced in anaerobic respiration

Where is anaerobic respiration take place?

The reactions of anaerobic respiration take place in the cytoplasm.

What are the products formed during aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration?

The word aerobic means to use oxygen while anaerobic doesn't need oxygen. The products of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and water and energy (ATP). The products of anaerobic respiration are oxygen and energy (ATP).

What are the two substances that may be formed in anaerobic respiration?

it is lactic acid and pyruvic acid

Problem with Anaerobic respiration?

the number of ATP molecules formed is very less as compared to aerobic respiration.the ratio is 1:12 however in case of oxygen deficiency anaerobic respiration is the only option left.

List and explain the two types of cellular respiration?

the two main types of cellular respiration are aerobic cellular respiration and anaerobic cellular respiration.

What is anaerobic respiration respiration?

In plant and animal cells, it is a process in which energy is released from food molecules such as glucose without requiring oxygen. Some aerobic plants and animals are able to use anaerobic respiration for short periods of time. For example, during a sprint, human muscles can respire anaerobically.Unfortunately, lactic acid is produced and accumulates until the muscles cannot continue working. Anaerobic respiration in humans is less efficient than aerobic respiration at releasing energy, but releases energy faster. This explains why humans can run faster in a sprint than over longer distances. When humans stop after a sprint, they have to continue breathing more heavily for a while. This is to take in extra oxygen in order to break down the accumulated lactic acid on top of the normal breakdown of sugar in aerobic respiration. The body is paying back the oxygen debt built up during the sprint. . Anaerobic respiration is the process by which non-oxygen dependent organisms breath. It is mostly commonly used in the process of fermentation. Anaerobic respiration is respiration that uses electron acceptors other than oxygen. Anaerobic respiration can be found in protozoans and bacteria.Anaerobic respiration is a type of cellular respiration. It occurs when oxygen is not available or is available in very low quantities.It is also a respiration in the absence of oxygen. Oxygen is not used as the final electron acceptor.

What is the role in ATP in respiration?

ATP is formed in aerobic respiration. 36/38 ATP's formed from the whole process.

What do plants produce at the end of anaerobic respiration?

An end product of CO2 is formed during anaerobic respiration in germinating seeds. This can be determined by an experiment with mercury test tube and germinating seeds.

In anaerobic cellular respiration where does glycolisis occur?

in the cytoplasm of the cellIt is common to both types of respiration.In aerobic respiration, formed pyruvate und=dergo oxidative phosphorilation