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Q: What substance is produced when sugar is digested in an animal cell?
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What is produced when sugar is digested when sugar is digested in a animal cell?

Carbon Dioxide will be produced.

What is produced when sugar is digested in an animal?

When sugar is digested in an animal, ATP (Adinosine Tri Phosphate) is produced which is a chemical form of energy.

What is produced when sugar is digested in an animal cell?

Animal cells do not digest sugar (the animal stomach does that). Animal cells 'burn' sugar to give them energy and the by-products are water and carbon-dioxide.

Which gas will be produced when the sugar is digested in an animal cell?

Carbon dioxide is produced. -CST Released Questions 5th Grade

WHAT happens when sugar is digested in an animal cell?

it eats the suger

What is the food substance produced by photosynthesis?

Glucose Sugar.

What is produced when sugar is in an animal cell?

Animal cells do not digest sugar (the animal stomach does that). Animal cells 'burn' sugar to give them energy and the by-products are water and carbon-dioxide.

What substances are produced from phototsynthesis?

The food substance that is created during photosynthesis is a poduct of sugar.

What is digested to produce glucose?

sugar sugar

What is produced when sugar is broken down in an animal cell?

carbon dioxide

What is the name of the substance that is produced by photosynthesis that gives plants their needed energy?

Photosynthesis produced sugar, more correctly (CH2O)n.

What happen to lactose that is not digested in the small intestine?

A: Lactose, or milk sugar, is digested by the enzyme lactase. Lactase is produced in the small intestine. It catalyses (speeds up) the digestion of lactose into two smaller sugars, glucose and galactose.