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One AnswerGreenhouse gasses, particularly human emitted carbon dioxide. Another AnswerWater vapor makes up to 75 to 80% of all greenhouse forcing and almost all of the greenhouse gas we find in the air.

Carbon Dioxide takes a distant second place with around 5% to 20% of all forcing.

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Q: What substance within the air is connected with global warming?
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Does global warming effect the earth?

Global warming has no effect on earth's mantle or core, but there IS a measurable effect on earth's atmosphere and surface. We have witnessed the recession of glaciers, and concordant rise in sea levels. So far this rise has been very small, but it is expected to increase substantially within the next few centuries.

Is global warming another term for the greenhouse effect?

No. The greenhouse effect is the process by which certain gasses, called greenhouse gasses, help to trap heat within Earth's atmosphere. This effect has been in place for as long as Earth has had an atmosphere and is necessary for life to exist. Without it, the planet would freeze over. Global warming is primarily the result of an enhanced greenhouse effect, caused by extra geenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere.

What causes ice to melt in the arctic?

The bulk of this loss is blamed on global warming, inferring that man is involved. The current warming trend started 11,500 years ago according to Greenland data and commonly accepted scientific data. The data we have for the arctic only started a very short time ago and it is quite possible this small volume of loss is within the normal variations of the area.

What is earths current global climate?

The earth's current global climate is an interglacial period within an ice age.

How does photosynthesis help combat global warming?

during photosynthesis, plants use co2 as one of their reactant and produce oxygen. with less plants/trees, more co2 are being trapped within the atmosphere which makes global warming and influences the climate.

Related questions

The depletion of this natural resource within many parts of South America could seriously increase the rate of global warming?

The depletion of Rainforests could increase rate of global warming. It is because these forests absorb carbon dioxide. In their presence this greenhouse gas would cause global warming.

If you help stop global warming will it stop?

No. It has been reported that - if all Human Traces including CO2 & etc. are Gone As Of Yesterday - there is ALREADY enough Heat contained within Our One and Only Oceans to maintain the course of global climate change via mostly warming. Ouch;

What actions have been proposed within the US to reduce the possibility of global warming?

Reduce carbon emissions.Reduce the use of electricity.Invest and switch to renewable energy.

What does Imee mean?

An adorkable person that PMses when an Asian kid with glasses is within arms reach. She likes penguins and PMses whenever someone mentions global warming...

Does global warming effect the earth?

Global warming has no effect on earth's mantle or core, but there IS a measurable effect on earth's atmosphere and surface. We have witnessed the recession of glaciers, and concordant rise in sea levels. So far this rise has been very small, but it is expected to increase substantially within the next few centuries.

When will global warming end?

The process of global warming can only be ended by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, there is generally beleved to be a certain point after which nothing we can do will end the effect, and the longer we wait, the more difficult and costly it will be to end the trend. The amount of greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere must be curbed, and the destruction of the planet's photosynthesis engine (the forests) must be stopped and reversed. Without meeting both conditions, the trend of global warming will continue. Global Warming may end on its own, as the global environment becomes inhospitable to people and most of our cities and fossil fuel-guzzling vehicles are destroyed, but these sorts of trends are not really within our ability to accurately predict.

Does valcanoes add to global warming?

yes, but their contribution is natural and beyond the capbility of humans to control, whereas human made air pollution is entirely within human capability to manage

How will using too much paper affect global warming?

Most paper is made from wood chips, or wood pulp, if we don't recycle paper. To get wood chips we cut down trees. Trees are important because they absorb carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere and store the carbon within their trunks, roots and branches. Deforestation is one of the causes of global warming.

What are two signs of global warming on the planet within the last 100 years?

Within the last 100 years there has been a 1 degree Fahrenheit temperature increase in the United States. The warming is uneven. Alaska has warmed about 5 degrees since 1960.Sea levels have risen globally by 1.8 mm per year for the last 100 years.

How can pollution cause the earth's daily temperature to change?

global warming of course sillyWhat is global warming?Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth's atmosphere, which increases the temperature.thanks from raccebe and cydissa

Are tsunamis affected by global warming?

No, tsunamis occur due to the tectonic plates moving underneath the ocean. The movement of the plates is through covention currents within the magma which isn't affected by climate change.

What are the interactions between the atmosphere and hydrosphere?

When water (hydrosphere) evaporates it rises into the air (atmosphere)