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oxygen and nurtients

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Q: What substances do capillaries take to the cells in the body?
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Why exchange of substances blood and cells take place through capillaries?

Capillaries have thin and permeable walls which allow the exchange of substances (such as nutrients, oxygen and CO2) to occur. This enables substances to dissociate throughout the entire body (as capillaries are present throughout the entire body).

What is the name of the blood vessel that take blood to the body cells?

i think it is capillaries

What are the blood vessels called that take substances to the cells in your body?


Why are capillaries important in metabolic exchange?

Capillaries allow the exchange of substances between the blood and the cells. They can do this because they have 'leaky walls' which let substances in and out. For instance food is supplied to the cells and carbon dioxide comes out of the cells to be taken away.

What blood vessel permits exchange of oxygen between the blood and the tissues?

capillaries are the site of exchange of materials where the needed substances in the tissue diffuse into them from the capillary through diffusion.while the metabolic wa ste from tissues diffuse into the capillary and taken away.the capillaries have a big surface area and their cells is one cell thick to enable diffusion to take place fast.

What do veins arteries and capillaries do?

Arteries take blood from the heart to the cells of the body. Capillaries take the blood to the individual cells to give them food and oxygen. They then take Carbon Dioxide and waste away from the cells. Veins then take blood from the capillaries back to the heart. The Heart then sends blood through another artery to the lungs. It goes through different capillaries to get rid of Carbon Dioxide and pick up Oxygen. Then it goes through another vein back to the heart. From the heart, it goes back to the starting point.During the process, some of the blood going to the cells of the body goes through the kidneys to get rid of wastes. Some goes through the liver to get rid of different wastes and to pick up food from the intestines. Some goes to muscles. Some goes to the brain. Some feeds the heart so it can pump blood.veins,artery,capillaries.

What are the lung capillaries' function?

The capillaries exchange carbon dixoide from the blood with oxygen from the air sacs.

What vessels drain blood from capillaries?

Arteries feed into capillaries, the capillaries give oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body and take toxins and CO2 from every cell in the body, from there the blood in the capillaries go into your veins (the blue blood vessels) which go to your heart.

The exchange between alveoli and capillaries allows what?

gas exchange to take place/to allow cells to lose CO2 and gain O2 so they will be oxygenated and ready to be pumped around your body.

Which blood vessel carries blood from the organs to the heart?

The type of blood vessel is the artery. It carries blood away from the heart. Capillaries are positioned next to cells, which make up tissue which makes up an organ. They are positioned here so the exchange of substances can take place. Your answer would be the arteries and capillaries.

Were does the blood take oxygen and nutrients?

To the rest of the body. It exchanges the gasses and nutrients with the rest of the body at the capillaries.

What is the function of the capillaries in the body?

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