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Q: What substances is responsible for the normal yellow color of urine?
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What protein is responsible for hair color?

The protein responsible for hair color is melanin. There are two types of melanin: pheomelanin and eumelanin. Pheomelanin produces yellow and red color. Eumelanin produces browns.

Since urobilin is produced once urine is out of the body shouldn't the normal colour of urine then be colourless as it is passed out?

Urobilin can be degraded into urochrome, which is normally present in urine and responsible for its characteristically yellow color.

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Supergiant refers to size, not color. Supergiants can be of any normal star color, though yellow is not common.

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The color of urine depends on type of diet alone and not skin color or race. Normal urine color ranges from light yellow to dark yellow.

Can taking vitamin d turn hair yellow?

The normal yellowish-amber color of urine is mainly due to a chemical called urochrome or urobilin, which is produced from the breakdown of heme. Vitamin D itself is white and, as far as I can find, doesn't have a particularly notable effect on urine color. Some vitamins can affect urine color... B vitamins, for example, can produce a vibrant, almost fluorescent yellow or green color, and vitamins A and C can turn urine orangish. If you're concerned about drug testing, using foreign substances to impart a "normal" color to diluted urine will only fool a cursory visual inspection (if that... the B-vitamin yellow looks, to the trained eye, "odd" compared to the normal color produced by urobilin).

What protein is responsible for hair?

The protein responsible for hair color is melanin. There are two types of melanin: pheomelanin and eumelanin. Pheomelanin produces yellow and red color. Eumelanin produces browns.

What is responsible for the normal color of the stool?

a. Urobilin and stercobilin derived from reduction of bilirubin through the action of intestinal bacteria b. Bilifusgins also causes the normal color c. nature of the diet ex. Pigmented diet- green vegetables, meat, blood -dark color Drugs like calomel, bismuth and santonin- green, black and yellow respectively

What is the color pigment?

Xanthophylls are a set of the naturally occurring yellow pigments. the word is greek in origin, "Xanthos" meaning yellow, "phyllon" meaning leaf. Two Xanthophylls, lutein and Zeaxanthin, are responsible for the yellow color of egg whites.