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Q: What suffix means a surgical creation of a artificial opening?
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What does the suffix-ostomy mean?

The suffix -ostomy refers to a surgical procedure that creates an opening (stoma) between an organ and the outside of the body. This opening allows for waste or fluids to pass out of the body in cases where the natural passage is blocked or impaired.

What is a Surgical creation af an artificial excretory opening?

ureteroileostomyPronunciation (u-re-ter-o-il-e-OS-to-me)Medical Terminology = ureter/o + ile/o + stomyDefinition = a new opening between the ureter and the ileum

Which suffix means opening?

The suffix "-gate" means opening.

What is the suffix in the medical term nephrectomy?

-ectomy is the suffix in "nephrectomy." It means "surgical removal.""-ectomy" is the suffix for nephrectomy. Nephr- means kidney, and -ectomy means surgical removal.

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surgical crushing

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What suffix meaning surgical fixation of bone or joint?

-desis = fixation of bone or joint -pexy = fixation of an organ

What is the difference between ectomy and otomy?

Both suffixes refer to surgical procedures, with "-ectomy" indicating the removal of a body part (e.g., tonsillectomy for removal of tonsils) and "-otomy" indicating an incision into a body part without necessarily removing it (e.g., tracheotomy for creating an opening in the windpipe).

What is the medical terminology suffix meaning suture?

-rrhaphy is the medical terminology suffix meaning suture.rrhaphy

What words end in the suffix 'ical'?

surgical, logical

What does the suffix -plasty mean?

-Plasty - Surgical Repair

What does the suffix -tomy mean?

It is "removal by surgical means".