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Deoxyribose/Adenisine Triphosphate :)

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Q: What sugar is found in DNA molecules that gives it its name?
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What is the name of the sugar found in DNA molecules?


What is the name of the sugar molecules found in DNA?

The sugar that is found in DNA is called Deoxyribose

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What is the name of the sugar found in germinating grains?

The form of sugar found in grains is a compound one called sucrose.

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Name two molecules which alternate to make the upright or side portion of a DNA molecule?

The two molecules that alternate to form the backbone of a DNA molecule are deoxyribose sugar and phosphate groups. These molecules form a repeating pattern along the length of the DNA strand, with the nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine) attached to the deoxyribose sugar molecules.

What is sugar broken down by?

Fructase breaks down sugar. Fructose is the name of the sugar. You found the answer via a typo :)

What is the natural sugar found in milk?

the name for milk sugar is lactose. The ose ending indicates that it is a sugar, like fructose (fruit sugar) or glucose (blood sugar).

What is sugar broken down by fructose?

Fructase breaks down sugar. Fructose is the name of the sugar. You found the answer via a typo :)