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NONE!! Sugar substitutes are horrible for your body! Did you know that the FDA is OWNED by other companies! And at first they didn't think Aspartame was safe, but then other food companies pressured them into saying it was safe! NEVER PICK ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS! NO: DIET COKE, COKE ZERO, V8 SPLASH, GATORRADE (LOW CALORIE), SPLENDA, SWEET AND LOW, OR ANY OF THAT crap!!!!!

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Q: What sugar substitute provides the body with nutrients?
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What are the nutrients the body needs?

the nutrients your body needs are sugar, starch, and fiber.

A substance that provides a form of energy?

sugar provides energy for the body.

What provides nutrients to the body?

Food and sunlight (vitamin D).

What does organic malt extract do to the body?

This is a good sugar substitute and you can use this to replace sugar. This can also heal scars on the body if used externally.

How does natural sugar help the body?

It's part of the nutrients that the body need, mostly for energy.

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Because it provides the body with the nutrients it needs.

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Why do you need sugar in your diet?

Sugar in moderate amounts is good for the body and provides fuel. It satisfies a craving in the body as well.

What provides calories to the human body?

food provides the human body with nutrients and energy. and all living things need energy.

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bacteria is important because inside their their body tissues, it provides them with nutrients.

Identify two concerns about sugar free drinks?

One concern is that most sugar free drinks use a sugar substitute, which can sometimes be worse for your body.

Does sugar help teeth to decay?

If you are talking about the sugar used to make treats, then yes. I don't know about the sugar your body provides.