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Q: What suicide method grant McReynolds used?
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Most common ways teens commit suicide?

The most common way to commit suicide is by using firearms (guns) or drug overdose.

I just saw a Shakespearian play and they said that one of the characters took their own life using the roman method what is that?

I cannot find the phrase "roman method" used anywhere in Shakespeare. In Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra speaks to her servants on the death of Mark Antony saying "Let's do it after the high Roman fashion," where she intends that they all commit suicide. I take it to mean that their attitude was that of the high Romans, who would commit suicide rather than be dishonoured - not a reference to a method of suicide. If it is a reference to a method, then it might be a reference to how Mark Antony died, which used to be depicted by the actor falling on his sword, having stuck it, blade upwards, in the ground.

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Why is rail road is a new method for committing suicide?

It isn't new, people have used it probably since the train was invented. It is kind of hard to miss with a train or wound yourself with one.

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Irrigation is the prime method used.

How did the Romans commit suicide?

Romans had several methods of committing suicide, depending on their status and circumstances. These could include using a sword to stab themselves in the heart (known as "falling on their swords"), consuming poison, or opening their veins to bleed out. Self-immolation was also a method used in extreme cases.

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Why is immolation used as a form of suicide?

Immolation is a form of suicide because you are killing yourself using fire.

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Method used to conduct scientific experiments.

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Different between CTAB method and Dellaporta method?

In CTAB method,SEVAG is used to breakdown the tissues in the extracted leaves.While in dellaporta method,the SDS and POTASSIUM ACETATE are used.In CTAB method BLUECAP/TEST TUBES are used,while in dellaporta method the EMPENDORFS are mostly used.ICE COLD ETHANOL is used mostly in the CTAB method for resuspension,while in dellaporta method ISOPROPANOL is used.

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The method is the spectrography.