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depends if the show is formal or informal. If it is formal wear a polo and a hunt jacket with tan breeches and tall boots optional ( if do not own tall boots wear clean half chaps). If non formal wear a colored polo jeans or breeches paddock boots.

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14y ago

Make sure all your show tack is cleaned and in your trailer. It's best to do this the day before you leave for the show. Have clean brushes (keep several brushes and mane and tail combs just to use at shows. They stay clean because you only use them when the horse is clean) in the horse trailer. Take plenty of a detangler/coat shiner because you will use a lot of it throughout the day. Make sure you have braiding bands that match your horse's color for manes and tails. Have a least one clean horse blanket or sheet and a 'sleezy', a tail bag and a fly mask. Leg wraps or shipping boots are a must to keep legs clean in the trailer. For shows during summer months bring plenty of fly repellent. Several clean buckets, horse shampoo, sponges and some clean rags. Always bring your own water bucket. Don't water your horse from a communal water trough if you can help it. It's a good way for your horse to pick up any illness. If your horse doesn't like to drink away from home (some horses don't like the taste of water that is not like their water at home) fill some empty water jugs from your home water source to use at the show. If this is not possible bring a commercial electrolite to mix in with water from the show grounds. They come in different flavors like apple or cherry and will mask the taste and smell of different water. Hint;a couple of days before the show put the electrolite in your horse's water so he has time to get used to the new smell and taste. It can get very hot at summer shows and you want to make sure your horse continues to drink plenty of water. Make sure you stay hydrated also. When your busy its easy to forget that you need to drink plenty of water on hot days. At the lunch break make sure you eat something even if your nervous. You don't want to feel weak or light-headed. Its always good to brings some snacks from home. At most shows they serve food but if you show alot it can get expensive. Have some cash in case you do want to buy some snacks. Make sure you have your show clothes clean and in the trailer if you aren't wearing them already. And last but certainly not least, the last thing you do before you leave home is load your horse in the trail. This may sound rediculous but I actually almost drove off without my horse. I was so busy getting all my gear and supplies that I had to be reminded to load the horse in the trailer. A friend actually did drive off without her horse. She was a block away before realizing the most important part of her show gear (her horse) had been left behind. Footnote:horse shows can be stressful for you and your horse. Try to relax and have fun. And remember don't ride for the ribbon, ride for yourself.

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What should you take to a horse show?

a horse, of course You'll need more than just the horse. You'll need your show tack and show clothes. a Grooming kit, horse feed and possibly bedding for a stall, food for yourself, water for the horse, a cell phone, your horses health papers, entry forms, money, and many more things.

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A flash light, horse feed, helmet, and horse tack.

How old should you be when you get your first horse?

as long as you love horses, it shouldn't matter. but be in mind that you should be finacally prepared to take care of the horse and you should have enought time to put in with the horse. You should know about the horse's needs

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well if they are medal brushes they rust and if there bristle brushes the bristle breaks it prob best you take your horse gear in side.

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a horse trailer..

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you should scream a shove the horse. let the horse know that he is on you. take your thumbs and push in to the horse's shoulder or side. this won't hurt your horse. it will only let him know to get off.

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A horse should take between 8 and 16 breaths per minute. Obviously a larger horse would take closer to 8 breaths and a smaller horse or pony may take up to 16.

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No I do not believe in this. Fair is about training your own horse.

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the answer is: take the horse on short walks while the tendon heals

Can you groom bathe plait your horse at a horse show?

yes, you can but it will take most the day. it would be easier to bathe your horse/pony at the show then groom them and braid there mane/tail at the show a couple hours before (MAKE SURE TO PICK THERE HOOVES OUT BEFORE YOU RIDE AT THE SHOW EVER CLASS).

Should you use office supplies for yourself?

Yes, but you shouldn't take them from employer.