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they used the TP technique which combined biting and plastic. it later was unsuccessful after the late great Tyler beentheredonethat Persinger (the inventor) died from bar wounds he received in a bar fight after his victory party after he won the muller v. Oregon case.

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Q: What surgical techniques are used in the civil war?
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What are the surgical techniques for the civil war?

OPium and other drugs then normal household tools. (saw shirts etc) most doctors were unexperieced soldiers

This medical kit was used during the Civil War What difficulties would caregivers and patients have faced during this time?

Little was known about what caused disease, how to stop it from spreading, or how to cure it during the Civil War. Surgical techniques ranged from the barbaric to the barely competent. Therefore, curing a patient was difficult.

Why is mouthwash an antiseptic?

It was an antiseptic first. Listerine was used to sterilize surgical tools around the time of the American Civil War.

What anesthesia was used in the Civil War?

Chloroform was used to as an anesthesia during the Civil War.

Why were drums used in the American Civil War?

Drums were used in the American Civil war, to show that the war had begun.

Did the Civil War have biplanes?

there were no planes at all used in the civil war :)

What side of the Civil War used cannons?

Both sides in the US civil War used cannons.

Spanish civil war was a rehearsal for many techniques that were in World War 2?

Yes, it has certainly been viewed in that way. The lessons of World War 1 were learned more quickly by some nations than others. Mobility was replacing the static defense. The airplane and the tank were improving in both their technology and tactical employment. Military techniques practiced on a primitive level in the Spanish Civil War were used more widely and effectively in World War 2. I have heard from multiple sources that the Spanish Civil War was a rehearsal for World War 2, and I think that this statement has much validity.

What kinds of airplanes were used during the civil war?

There were no airplanes back in the Civil War

Were submarines used during the US Civil War?

Yes, submarines were used by the Confederate Navy in the US Civil War.

What where dressing stations in the civil war?

Field hospitals. Similar to modern M.A.S.H. (mobile army surgical hospital) units now.

What are Civil War canteens used for?

It's where you go to buy civil war snacks and sodapops.